Charlie Padgett
About Charlie
I’m an American born illustrator, graphic designer, animator, guitar player, daydreamer, eater of pizza, Godzilla fan and most importantly a husband and father living just outside Bordeaux, France.
With my illustrations, I work hard to bring a fresh perspective and create multi-layered, conceptual work that resonates with the audience long after they have turned the page, scrolled down, left the building and got on with the business of living.
List of Clients
The New York Times, The BBC, Scientific American, Major Arcana Records, Grey Advertising, La Vie, Mad Tree Brewing, Molecular Metabolism, Nature Neuroscience, University of Michigan, University of Copenhagen, Cell, Neuron, Smithsonian Online, Shake It Records, Inserm, Chunklet Magazine, Sonic Winter, Dojo Gelato, Helmholtz Zentrum München, University of Montreal, Neurocentre Magendie, Happen Inc. and Curiosity Advertising.